Algorithmic Validation of Policy-Specified
Passwords with Spirion’s Search API

Spirion’s Search API creates customized algorithmic search parameters for user-defined data types. Using this feature, computational logic validates potential matches initially captured by pattern-based definitions. This document covers the steps necessary to incorporate computational validation with Spirion when configuring searches for passwords that conform to a set of known requirements. 

Password complexity is easily enforced by system administrators. However, this security is undermined when users store secrets as plaintext in unstructured data. While Spirion includes passwords as one of its AnyFinds, available as a search parameter right out of the box, the Search API entry explained in the datasheet will focus on user-defined specifications that can address more specific concerns.  

Spirion Products:
Sensitive Data Manager

Required Skills & Technology:
C++ development environment and ability to modify and compile a DLL from the CPP project files.


For More Information:

Spirion CEO Kevin Coppins