
blog post
Best practices for securing dark data

Dark data is an all-encompassing descriptor for the unorganized, untagged, and otherwise unused  data within an organization’s data estate. It…

Data Protection Data Security

blog post
The Analyst View: Key takeaways from Forrester’s Now Tech: Data Discovery and Classification Report

Although data discovery and data classification have formed the bedrock of strong data governance programs for several decades, they are…

Data Discovery Data Management & Governance

blog post
Take control of your unruly data with privacy-preserving classification

Thanks to increasing data privacy regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA),…

Compliance & Regulations Data Management & Governance Data Privacy Data Protection

blog post
What is a data retention policy and should you have one?

In order to collect and process consumers’ sensitive data to fulfill both day-to-day and long-term business needs, companies must implement…

Data Protection Data Security

blog post
Understanding malicious insider threat examples to avoid an insider attack

In 2020, insider threats were responsible for 60% of data breaches. Insider threats occur when an employee’s privileged access is…

Data Security Sensitive Data

blog post
Stopping Ransomware in its Tracks

Let’s face it: ransomware isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. The startling pace of data creation and consumption provides attackers with…

Data Protection

blog post
Ransomware Prevention Checklist

The number of ransomware attacks in just the first half of 2021 was nearly double the total for 2020. As…

Data Protection Data Security

blog post
Why is endpoint data protection so important?

Enterprises across all industries operate on consumer data. In addition to being necessary for completing day-to-day business functions, this data…

Data Protection