
blog post
How to identify types of sensitive data

Sensitive data is private information that must be protected from unauthorized access. This type of data can come in various…

Sensitive Data

blog post
Weighing the risk of data breach noncompliance

2021 saw a record number of data breaches, despite 34% of organizations under-reporting them. What does this tell us? Data…

Compliance & Regulations Data Breach Data Security Sensitive Data

blog post
Looking back at the data breaches of 2021

2021 was a year like no other. Emerging from the previous year’s COVID-related madness, remote work environments became the new…

Data Breach Sensitive Data

blog post
The lucrative cost of cybercrime of PII

As the rate of data breaches increases year over year, the sale of personally identifiable information (PII) is becoming more…

Data Breach Sensitive Data

blog post
Understanding malicious insider threat examples to avoid an insider attack

In 2020, insider threats were responsible for 60% of data breaches. Insider threats occur when an employee’s privileged access is…

Data Security Sensitive Data

blog post
7 Things to Consider When Classifying Your Sensitive Data

Data classification is simple in theory. It involves tagging pieces of data by their levels of sensitivity and applying security…

Data Management & Governance Sensitive Data

blog post
Endpoint Security Software Shopping Guide

As businesses of all sizes enact digital transformation strategies and permanent remote work policies, the need to protect the endpoint…

Data Protection Data Security Sensitive Data

blog post
Remote work and data protection: How data governance teams can get control over an ever-expanding IT frontier

The explosion of remote work during the COVID pandemic exacerbated an already existing headache for company IT departments: how to…

Data Privacy Data Protection Data Security Sensitive Data