
blog post
What is an Insider Attack?

Insider cyber attacks are a common cause of data breaches, and the volume of attacks, as well as the overall…

Data Security

blog post
Ransomware Prevention Checklist

The number of ransomware attacks in just the first half of 2021 was nearly double the total for 2020. As…

Data Protection Data Security

blog post
CJIS: Finding the right solution to a tricky compliance situation

As of January 2021, the FBI is moving towards the more sophisticated method of data exchange known as the National…

Data Security

blog post
Business data security guide (measures, risks & precautions)

Businesses collect and store important data on a daily basis — anywhere from their customers’ personal information to private financial…

Data Protection Data Security

blog post
Endpoint Security Software Shopping Guide

As businesses of all sizes enact digital transformation strategies and permanent remote work policies, the need to protect the endpoint…

Data Protection Data Security Sensitive Data

blog post
Remote Endpoint Device Data Security Implications

Prior to March 2020, remote work wasn’t exactly the norm. Yes, more and more companies were starting to embrace it…

Data Security

blog post
Why Florida’s new Cybersecurity Operations Center law is relevant to battling cybercrime

On June 29, Florida governor Ron DeSantis signed into law H.B. 1297, a bill designed to assist the state in…

Data Privacy Data Protection Data Security

blog post
Remote work and data protection: How data governance teams can get control over an ever-expanding IT frontier

The explosion of remote work during the COVID pandemic exacerbated an already existing headache for company IT departments: how to…

Data Privacy Data Protection Data Security Sensitive Data