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Is Access Management Replacing Firewalls?

The landscape of the traditional perimeter security model is changing as many market segments, such as financial services, march toward digital transformation. Although the traditional approach of using firewalls, VPNs, and NAC technologies is still relevant to internet defenses, additional security solutions such as a Zero Trust model is necessary to mitigate malware, attack, breach, and data leakage assaults.

These zero trust models utilize authentication, authorization, and verification controls for users, applications, devices, and network resources to round out an organization’s perimeter-based access security. With the multitude of users and devices that are now a part of the digital transformation of business and customer service, there are two visible gaps that many organizations must eliminate—not having insight or accurate information on who or what is accessing their sensitive data and not having rapid discovery, accurate classification, and automatic remediation of that data.

As businesses transform to a network of mobile customers, vendors, and workforce the IT security demands are migrating their data centers to applications on the cloud. To implement a cohesive approach, a mix of traditional perimeter security coupled with a zero trust, “never trust and always verify” solution should be incorporated for data in motion.

For data at rest as well as data in use, a robust and data-centric approach should be implemented that provides for rapid discovery, accurate classification, and automatic remediation. This three-legged approach, like the three legs of a stool, will ensure a stable platform for all information security departments.

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Sensitive Data