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Demystifying the _SPMs: Breaking Down the Four Pillars

October 2, 2024

Imagine trying to juggle four critical aspects of your organization’s security—Cloud, Data, Identity, and Applications. Focusing too much on one can leave the others exposed. It’s a daily challenge for today’s security leaders, who are tasked with protecting their organizations across these complex layers.

In this blog, we’ll break down the four essential pillars of Security Posture Management (SPM)—Cloud, Data, Identity, and Application—and explain how understanding and mastering these concepts will help you build a stronger, more unified defense strategy.

Pillar 1: Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM)

Beyond Configuration: Is CSPM Enough to Secure Your Cloud? 

As organizations increasingly shift to the cloud, managing its security infrastructure becomes a critical challenge. Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM) is often the go-to solution for identifying and resolving misconfigurations in cloud environments, such as IaaS or SaaS platforms. However, while CSPM addresses vulnerabilities in cloud infrastructure, it often misses the data residing within the cloud, leaving sensitive information exposed. 

For businesses that rely on cloud-native or hybrid environments, understanding cloud data flows and having complete visibility is essential. Traditional CSPM tools fall short because they don’t secure the data itself, only the configuration. As data breaches continue to rise, addressing cloud misconfigurations alone is no longer enough. To fully secure your cloud environment, it’s critical to integrate data discovery and classification tools that provide visibility into what sensitive data is being stored, who has access to it, and how it’s being used. 

Pillar 2: Data Security Posture Management (DSPM)

The Heart of SPM: Why Data Should Be the New Security Perimeter 

When it comes to managing your overall security posture, Data Security Posture Management (DSPM) plays a central role. While CSPM focuses on the infrastructure, DSPM zeroes in on the most critical asset—your data. Without a clear understanding of where sensitive data resides, who has access to it, and how it’s being used, any efforts to secure your cloud, identity, or applications can only go so far. DSPM ensures that sensitive data is identified, monitored, and protected throughout its lifecycle. 

For organizations dealing with personally identifiable information (PII), financial records, or healthcare data, visibility is paramount. DSPM provides continuous monitoring, identifying vulnerabilities and applying automated playbook-driven controls such as encryption, redaction, or relocation based on data sensitivity. This ensures that you’re not just securing the infrastructure but also safeguarding the data itself from breaches or misuse. 

DSPM also helps you stay compliant with evolving data privacy regulations by classifying data in real-time and applying protections that travel with the data across environments. Whether your data lives in the cloud, on-premises, or endpoints, Spirion’s Sensitive Data Platform offers 98.5% accuracy in discovering and classifying sensitive information, providing the foundation for a comprehensive DSPM strategy. 

Pillar 3: Identity Security Posture Management (ISPM)

Protecting the Front Door: Is Your Identity Infrastructure a Breach Waiting to Happen? 

In today’s security landscape, identities—whether they belong to users, devices, or applications—are often the primary targets of cyberattacks. Identity Security Posture Management (ISPM) is designed to help organizations address these risks by ensuring that identities are governed, monitored, and secured in real time. However, many organizations overlook the fact that identity governance isn’t static—roles and permissions constantly evolve, and failure to continuously monitor and adjust access rights can leave you exposed to insider threats or breaches. 

As identity-based attacks continue to rise, ISPM ensures that security teams can keep up by applying continuous access monitoring and enforcing least-privilege principles across all identities. This proactive approach allows you to identify potential weaknesses before they become full-blown security incidents. Additionally, automated identity governance ensures that any changes in access rights or user roles are updated instantly, preventing unauthorized access to sensitive data. 

By integrating ISPM with your overall security posture management strategy, you can secure the front door to your data and mitigate risks associated with over-privileged accounts and compromised credentials. Spirion’s Sensitive Data Platform works in tandem with ISPM solutions, ensuring that not only are identities secure, but sensitive data remains protected from misuse. 

Pillar 4: Application Security Posture Management (ASPM)

Securing Custom Code: Why Your Custom Applications Are a Prime Target 

Custom-built applications are at the core of many modern enterprises, powering everything from customer interactions to backend operations. However, these applications are often overlooked when it comes to security, making them a prime target for attackers. Application Security Posture Management (ASPM) helps protect these critical assets by ensuring vulnerabilities in custom code are identified and mitigated before they can be exploited. 

Because custom applications are unique to your business, they frequently bypass traditional security scans, leaving undiscovered vulnerabilities that can serve as entry points for attackers. ASPM provides the visibility and control needed to secure these applications by automatically scanning code, identifying weaknesses, and integrating security measures throughout the software development lifecycle (SDLC). This proactive approach enables security teams to address risks before they escalate into breaches. 

By embedding security into your custom applications from the start, ASPM helps ensure that your application layer is as secure as your cloud, data, and identity layers. Spirion’s comprehensive Sensitive Data Platform can complement ASPM tools by securing the sensitive data flowing through your custom applications, creating a holistic security posture across your entire IT environment 

Bringing It All Together: Cloud, Data, Identity, and Application SPM 

A Unified Approach to Reduce Risk 

Each layer of SPMCSPM, DSPM, ISPM, and ASPM—plays a unique role in securing your organization. However, true protection comes from integrating all these layers into a unified approach that addresses vulnerabilities holistically.  

By combining CSPM to secure configurations, DSPM to safeguard sensitive information, ISPM to govern access, and ASPM to protect custom code, organizations can minimize risks across their entire IT environment. 

The strength of SPM lies in its ability to provide cross-layer visibility and a comprehensive understanding of how these elements interact. Without coordination between cloud, data, identity, and applications, gaps in one area can leave your organization vulnerable in another.  

For example, securing cloud infrastructure without monitoring sensitive data flows leaves critical information at risk, while strong identity governance may be undermined if custom applications contain hidden vulnerabilities. 

By integrating these SPM components into a single strategy, you can reduce the complexity of managing security across multiple environments and gain the confidence that nothing falls through the cracks.  

But the connective tissue is Spirion’s Sensitive Data Platform, ensuring that sensitive data is continuously discovered, classified, and protected—no matter where it resides.  

This is step one of a unified approach to reduce risk but also streamline compliance and improve overall security management. 

Time to Rethink Your Security Posture Management Strategy 

Actionable Steps to Secure Your Enterprise 

As cyber threats grow more sophisticated, it’s no longer enough to secure your cloud, data, identity, and applications in isolation. A fragmented approach leaves your organization vulnerable to risks that could have otherwise been mitigated.  

Now is the time to rethink how you manage your security posture—ensuring that each component of SPM works together to form a cohesive and comprehensive defense. 

  1. Start by gaining visibility into where your sensitive data resides and how it’s being accessed across cloud and on-prem environments.  
  1. Implement automated tools that can continuously monitor and classify data based on its sensitivity, ensuring that your security posture aligns with the risks present.  
  1. Next, focus on integrating identity management and application security to close any potential gaps in access controls or code vulnerabilities. 
  1. Finally, bring it all together with a unified approach that strengthens your ability to detect, protect, and respond to threats across all layers of your infrastructure.  

Spirion’s Sensitive Data Platform serves as the critical first step in your SPM strategy, providing the visibility into where your sensitive data resides. Without this foundation, it’s impossible to effectively implement the controls needed to protect your data and secure your enterprise.